Asian outcall massage Las Vegas

What is Outcall Massage? Things You May Want to Know About Outcall Massage
If you’re new to spa or massage therapy, you might wonder what an outcall massage is. Why is it getting popular nowadays? And surely it has its own advantages.

An outcall massage is a kind of massage in which a therapist personally goes to the client’s place, instead of the client getting his/her massage at the spa or massage center.

This is an easier way for most clients especially if they lead a busy life. The outcall massage is also highly suitable for clients who are homebound, less-abled and terminally ill.

With the above definition, the other commonly used terms are; home service massage, housecall massage, onsite massage or mobile massage.

Today, many therapists who perform this kind of massage procedure would usually go to the client’s homes, hotel rooms and businesses offices. They will bring along their massage tables and other necessary tools and equipment. Of course, the tools are depending on the type of massage that the client requested.

Due to the fact that massage therapy is unfortunately sometimes confused with the sex industry, therapists who offer outcall massage are generally careful and very clear with their clients.

When a client calls to make an appointment, the therapist will ask the following (but not limited to) questions to get more details to ensure there are no inappropriate services expected from the client.

1) Is this the first time the client is calling?
2) Who refer or where does the client heard about the therapist?
3) How long is the session that the client desire?
4) Does the client prefer female or male therapist?
5) What kind of massage does the client desire?
6) When does the client want the massage?
7) Where does the client want the massage?

At the end of the call, the therapist will specify the rates, and upon agreement from the client, he or she will arrange transportation to the client’s place.

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